Global warming is becoming a serious concern for all inhabitants of the planet Earth. Gradually over the years, our climate has been warming up. Some people who live in the Northern Hemisphere think "That's okay with me. Our summers are too short anyway". However, even a minor change in the Earth's temperature of only a few degrees can result in dramatic changes to our climate.

During the last Ice Age when most of the Northern Hemisphere was covered in glaciers, the average temperature of our planet was only 2 to 3 degrees colder than what it is today. Doesn't sound like much, but the result was that much of Canada was covered in ice up to a few kilometres in depth.

So imagine what could happen if our average temperature was to rise by a couple of degrees!


As part of our research project on global warming, you and three or four other students will study the meaning, causes, effects and solutions to global warming. Then, you will present your work to the rest of the class by means of a Powerpoint project. Together we will we can learn about this issue to make sure that future inhabitants of our planet are safe from the disastrous consequences of global warming.


STEP 1. Form groups and decide what topic will study each group.

- Group 1: Global warming introduction
For example:
. What is global warming?
. How is the earth's atmosphere like a greenhouse?
. What is the greenhouse effect? And how does it contribute to global warming?
. Give two examples of greenhouse gases.

- Group 2: Causes of global warming.

- Group 3: Consequences of global warming.

- Group 4: Strategies for taking action.

- Group 5: What can we do at school?
. What are we doing now?
. What can we do from now on?

STEP 2. Do some "brainstorming" on global warming to decide the organization, contents, and "look" of your report. Write an outline of all the information your report will contain. While you are responsible for completing your section of the report, you will also be responsible for making sure that finished report is well written and flows smoothly.

STEP 3. Using the Internet resources below begin your research. As you research, let your partners know if you find something that will help them.

Have a look at these mind maps here.

Global Warming
- Wikipedia
- Introduction to global warming
- Envrironment club.
- Climate Change.

What can we do?
- Youtube video
- News BBC
- Live the solution
- Green schools

STEP 4. Make a powerpoint project to present it in class.
Each group must present their findings about global warming in an oral presentation that reflects preparation and teamwork. Each group should speak confidently about their research, and each member should participate equally.
- Include examples.
- Include some real pictures from environmental issues (from the street, school, your house, etc.).


Your report will be evaluated in group, so all of you have to work as hard as the others to get a good group mark. Your work will be evaluated in a scale from 1 to 4 as follows:


. Web search and Planning: Passive role in team work. Shows little effort or interest. Random, last-minute activity.
. Design: Work barely meets the minimum requirements.
. Research and Gather Information: Does not collect any information that relates to the topic. Student didn't provide pictures and/or examples.
. Content: Does not report trip has planned. Shows little concern for topic.
. Grammar: Contains many grammatical errors.


. Web search and Planning: Shows more effort and interest but should improve research, planning and collaboration skills.
. Design: Work includes a few important ideas but are superficial and disorganized.
. Research and Gather Information: Collects little information. Some relates to topic.
. Content: Information is appropriate but report lacks organization and cohesion.
. Grammar: Contains several errors.


. Web search and Planning: Demonstrates an ability to effectively use many sources of information. Contributes useful ideas to team work and assumes a responsible and encouraging role.
. Design: Work includes many good ideas clearly and logically presented. Text and picture ratio well balanced. Shows attention to language and visual impression.
. Research and Gather Information: Collects good information. Most of it relates to the topic.
. Content: Report contains main information.
. Grammar: Contains some errors.


. Web search and Planning: Assumes full responsibility for his/her own work and contributes a lot of original ideas to team effort. Is good at summing up ideas and presenting arguments.
. Design: Clearly and logically presented. Work demonstrates skilful use of web resources and ICTs. Work is original in approach and visually attractive.
. Research and Gather Information: Collects a great deal of information. All of it relates to the topic.
. Content: Relays a great deal of information. Report is organized.
. Grammar: Is virtually error free.


You have learned a lot about global warming, ecology, climate change and green issues.
You have worked in group and that is very satisfying.
You have used a lot of web pages in English and you have surfed the net in English.
You have used the Word Processor and Powerpoint and you have found it useful to learn and study English.